Aphorisms Galore!

Something the Chew on

posted 2001 by Orb

Heres somthing to think about. In Science, there exists the nuetron, the proton and the electron. each having its own unique charge, and each,very unalike. all work together to form the atom in a balance that keeps them together to form what gives us all life. it is a balance between the nuetral, the positive and the negative energies. our lives are so very similar to that, yet people dont respect that balance, they believe that one charge has to rule over all(I.E you have to be the good guy, or the Badguy) but in doing so disrupt the balance that has kept us alive for so long. as madwolf from UHA, once said, total peace is not the answer, nor is total chaos. we must learn to respect the balance the precedes us. learn to keep that balance in order. it is what has kept our world in order of hundreds of thousands of years. but humans are ignorant, they refuse to accept this balance, they refuse to obey the laws of that balance. they think u HAVE to be good or bad. religion is an easy way of imposing that "choose your side" ideal onto others. those who are religious blow most ideals off like "yea whatever, not worth my time" because they believe the bible has 'all' the answers. Religion is not seperate, no one religion out there teaches anything different from the other. they say the same old crap and babble, all mean the same thing. we have yet to realize that they all DO mean the same thing, they all are One. we still squabble and fight over the names, the words, and the way of using those words,but in doing so we fail to see what they truly Mean. Mind you... you wouldnt know about the stars without the empty void of space to see them with. without light there can be no darkness. without the evil, there can be no good. without the proton, there would be no atom. everything has a balance, and that balance must be sustained in order for us to achieve a greater plane of existance. that balance must be held in order for us to continue, and that balance, is what keeps our world alive. its what makes us thrive. its what makes us survive. but instead of us strggling to survive, w've made it where the balance struggles to survive. we are selfish, arrogant, ignorant, to stupid to realize that we have upset this balance far too long. we have laid waste to our own planet by our greed, by our own hatred for one another. our suffering is not cuased by the planet. it is caused by us. those who are sad, and hate themselves, those who are ashamed of themselves, those who fear to love another person, those who dare not go outside, those who get abused by their parents, those who laughed at by another because of their failure, those who get slaughtered and killed, those who cry, those who feel pain and sorrow, those who know fear, and for those who lie to themselves, all do so.. because it was their race, their kind, who caused this. who created this for them to deal with, it was their kind who made these problems. suicide is the most immoral way to die, it a very harsh way to die. but from what i have seen, i can think of nothing better. those who have killed themselves, did so out fear and hatred for their own kind. those who kill themselves did so because they know their race for what it is. They didnt delude themselves, and tell themselves ill be safe if i make money, they didnt say "if i get bigger ill be unstoppable, they didnt fill themselves with false pride. they didnt say "hey if i go get rich ill have it made". i cannot accept any respect for the race of humanity. i am human nonethless, but when i learned that my kind was the ones who are destroying our home, but will not take the responsibility of cleaning up their own mess. i became ashamed to become human, it sickens me. i would rather be a dead shrimp on a plate rather than be human. because humans respect nothing but themselves. we've corrupted our minds. we've let ourselves fall into the bottomless pit of selfishness and greed. fear governs us, prevents us from moving on. petty insults turn to ridicule, and peopl are turned against one another, they fear one another, and become suspicious of one another. they rant and rave about how good they are, and Down anyone who doesnt think the same way they do. they tear down their betters, shove one another of the stairs of life, and instead of helping each other walk up it, they even go to the point of killing one another. they force people to take a side, and give people stereo types, to ridicule them, and force them out of the "group". they shun those who are different. they caused pain to those who arent like them. and all for what? were all going the same place. we'e all living in this world, we're all alive and have our own right to be who we are.this planet is where we all live, it belongs to everything in it. what kind of life, is a life on this planet, where humans rule? where we deceive ourselfs with wealth,materialistic values, where we lie to ourselves, and adapt to comfort. where we get lazier and become more reluctant to take on responsibility. where we become conceited, and care for nothing but ourselfs and our own pleasures. where we thrive on manipulation, and care not for one another. you tell me, what kind of life is one here on earth?

one that i would not want to live, thats for sure.


Re: Something the Chew on  ·  posted 2001 by iowadogears

When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light, for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food, and the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies with yourself. -Tecumseh, Shawnee Chief